Tag Archives: business success

Are you sacrificing today’s happiness for the “success” of tomorrow?

We've all heard the warnings are out there that getting rich won't make you happy and highly successful business people die at a young age of heart attacks or sacrifice their families, hobbies and other dreams for the sake of success. Yet, many of us are still driven to this place.  The allure of money, success and power has become (at least in the US) a draw like a siren that tempts you with her (or his) pleasures and treasures only to see you crashing on the rocks when you finally have Read more [...]

4 ways to get more done each day

Let's face it, no matter how much we get done each day, burning the candle at both ends, the longer our to-do list gets. I personally run to the side of overly ambitious in all the things that I want to pursue and accomplish. In any given day, I might decide to get a lot of work done for a client, work out an hour or two, make a great meal, clean my house, write some pages in my book-in-progress and spend quality time with my kidos. Some days I accomplish all of this and some days not so much.  Read more [...]

Learn to say “no” to achieve your dreams

I had a great conversation with a friend yesterday that inspired me to share her story and great tips. Barbara (all names have been changed to protect the innocent) is a young professional that would like to get involved in management and be a leader in her company. She's felt frustrated in the past because while her co-workers genuinely value her "get it done attitude", teamwork and appreciate that she'll jump in and help with anything - she doesn't think they see her as a leader. At first she Read more [...]

Flexibility = key to success

One of the most important things I’ve learned in my career (and life) is that you have to be able to bend.  In our modern, stressed out, balls to the wall corporate culture, things get heated, people have differing opinions and motives can oftentimes be at odds.  This is the case even if folks have the best of intentions and are just trying to do what they think is right.  It makes it even harder when there are people that have less than the best of intentions and are so focused on getting to Read more [...]

Do Less To Achieve More

I found this great article in Forbes from a couple of years ago.  It really illustrates the 80/20 principal in very practical business terms. The advice here is sound - for all areas of life. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Only do the few things that actually make the biggest difference. In my life, I take all my must haves, want to do's and should do's and sort them into A, B & C lists.  The first thing I do is throw the B & C lists away.  I then take the A list and sort by Read more [...]

Surround Yourself By People Smarter Than You

I recall when Ross Perot ran for President in 1992.  I was 18 years old and fresh with optimism and a little scared that I didn't have a clue what I was doing or where I was heading.  I remember hearing that he attributed much of his success to surrounding himself by people that were smarter than him. The guy's net worth was close to $3.5 billion and he was running for president so that was likely enough of a reason to heed his advice. But more than anything, it resonated with me. I've Read more [...]

I deserve to be the boss! Try running your own race..

"I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form.  I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before.   That’s me and I am free.” ~ Jenny G. Perry One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make in trying to get ahead in business is to have this attitude. Because I have a MBA, 20 years’ experience, my Dad owns the company, etc., I should already be running the place.  This attitude won’t Read more [...]

Think Like a High Achiever – More on the 80/20 principal

Guys, check out this great article by Britton Brown.  It has some great tips on how to apply the 80/20 principal to your life.  Here are a few of the highlights: 1) Treat each day at work like you are going on vacation.  Only do the things that absolutely have to get done.  I do this and it works! 2) As I've said before, he discusses focussing on the most important tasks (he calls them big rocks) and to get these out of the way early on in the day.  I always have the first hour of my day Read more [...]

Shit Rolls Down Hill

This topic seems quite apt for this week. It simply was the week of "shit rolling down shill". And frankly that can never be a good thing. I've seen stressed out managers bringing wrath down to their staff. I've had high level managers send a nasty emails to entry-level gals in accounting. I myself have started a whole rash of "shit rolling" when I tried to impart a sense of urgency to one of my staff on a big project we are working on. He apparently construed this as "an ultimatum" and conveyed Read more [...]