Tag Archives: balanced life

Soul Food – The Universe is not Stingy

"The Universe is not stingy.  We are. Some of us have very stingy souls. Perhaps not in how we treat others - our family, friends, and those less fortunate -- but in how we treat ourselves.  Yet how can Spirit give more to us if our fists, hearts, and minds are clenched tight? Abundance is about finally learning how to release feelings of poverty and lack and replace them with feelings of prosperity and affluence". ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach Today be kind and patient with yourself. Do not beat yourself Read more [...]

Your own Lightening Bolt

I am completely inspired today after watching 'Super Soul Sunday' on OWN this morning and Oprah's interview with Panache Desai. What a wonderfully inspiring man. For the last 5-6 years, I've heard from people frequently that I have an "aura". Usually this was in a bar and I figured it was some kind of sexual frequency (or maybe just pickup lines). But then I'd hear it from co-workers as well as family members. I guess there must be something more to it than sexual energy. I then thought it was Read more [...]

Gigantic garden finds.. discovered bread wonders

This is the first year I experimented with a veggie garden.  I've been an avid (well avid for about 6 weeks a year) flower gardener and amateur landscaper for 14 years.  I grew up in Idaho where my Mom always had a large garden (and frankly I never appreciated because it involved what seemed like many hours of rock gathering, weed pulling & picking slugs off tomato plants - still eww!). Finally fed up with the produce we get in Alaska (where cucumbers are really just for color and half way Read more [...]

Fake it Till you Make it

About 7 years ago, I went through one of the most difficult times of my life.  You know those life altering events such as selling a business, starting a new job, losing a parent and getting a divorce?  I had them happen all in a 6 month period. Looking back, I wonder how I survived.  But that’s the thing about survival mode, you put your head down and power through it. What else are you going to do? Roll over and wallow in self-pity?  Well maybe for a day.  But the next morning, it’s Read more [...]

Reclaim your life and become successful in business

Ok, so why read a blog from me about being successful in business and having a balanced, passionate life?  Well, I’d say it’s because I’ve pulled it off.  I am a 39 year old COO of a large company.  I’m a single Mom of two kids (one of which is a teenager).  AND.. I work 4 days a week.  Not 60 hours crammed into 4 days, I mean 32 hours a week – really.  I run a large company, run a family and have a life. I haven’t gotten it all figured out but certainly have achieved what few Read more [...]